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Elon Musk Promises to accomplish a Tesla Pickup Truck just when the Model Y

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Elon Musk’s company Tesla might fall an electric pickup truck nearby the come future. The news comes from Musk’s response to a tweet from the Vancouver Seed Bank.

The tweet about inquire just revealed “essential an electric salvage truck please”, then Musk’s response puts forth not impartial a promise for construction the vehicle, but also a rather improbable timeline aimed at it. “I promise that we will beget a pickup truck honest when Model Y. believe possessed the core construct/engineering elements nearby my will for almost 5 years. Am dying to execute it,” supposed Musk near his acknowledge.

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— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 26, 2017

Considering that the Model Y is expected to reach out sometime approximately 2019-20, Musk is giving us all hope of seeing an electric pickup truck sometime near that same daylight. It’s not a timeline we’d request Tesla to stick to. once all, we remained spoke to peruse wide-scale roll out of the Tesla Model 3 this year plus that certainly didn’t reach. except, Musk’s tweet fixes give away a bit of Tesla’s roadmap.

Tesla is today about “production hell” trying to meet organizations aimed at the Model 3 as soon as possible, listed by the Tesla Semi Truck, then the new Tesla Roadster 2. Adding a couple extra vehicles to that list mind definitely not be an easy task pro the matter, especially within the next 2-3 days.

Musk is moreover promising existing Tesla owners a slew of ‘yet-to-reach’ upgrades on behalf of their cars, comprising things like a ‘Disco Mode’ which Musk revealed sounded fancy “agreeable, cheesy fun.”

Whether or not Tesla manages to push as many features as Musk is promising on Twitter corpses to be imagined. nonetheless, as of today, it does peruse care for the matter tolerates a time-consuming list of promises, both original then former, to allege on in the coming year. At the the majority least, we’d quiz the company to get several more announcements, then open wide-scale deliveries for the Tesla Model 3.
